Hi all. I'm Debi J classic model.
I'd like to say a big thank you to Deborah for inviting me to be a part of the Model Diaries .
I've been modelling for many years and at the ripe young age if 56 I still enjoy being involved in the odd project. It's a passion and a way of life for me.
Over the years I have changed my focus to others who wish to join the modelling world.
I have mentored quite a few young ladies and guys in the protocol, safety and pros and cons of modelling.
I always tell my students, if you believe modelling to be an easy way... think again. Its hard... very hard. If it doesn't hurt, it doesn't work... (the day after a shoot every muscle in my body used to ache from tip to toe).
It can be tremendous fun but there are a lot of long days... sometimes out in the elements in totally inappropriate attire for the weather at that time of year.
Safety is paramount!!! NO ONE should be made to feel uncomfortable in anything they are required to do. If it feels wrong then it probably is.
I'm a great believer in chaperones for all models whether new or experienced.
I try to make my students aware of rogue agencies too. There are way too many operating now days in an underhanded way!!!
If an agency wishes to sign you... they do not charge you for a portfolio.
They will assist you in building your book and will also negotiate work for you. Once the contracts have been agreed... a reputable agency will take a percentage of your earnings and not charge you a large sum of money up front.
I'm looking forward to being involved in some wonderful projects this year once Covid is under some kind of control and hoping to see some positive changes to the modelling/fashion industry.
We are all beautiful in our own ways... our quirks make us unique along with our ages.. body shapes, cultures and attitudes.
I hope to see all embraced and welcomed x
Photography Credit: Kay Anthony Design: Anthi Giannopoulou